
Kritiske perspektiver på brukermedvirkning og på antipsykiatri

Should service user involvement be consigned to history? A critical realist perspective. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing:

For those who believe that institutional change will only be brought about by service users gaining power by ascending the organizational ladder, this article may be considered disheartening. The institution of psychiatry, however, is very powerful and the notion of service users ascending the power hierarchy is illusory and does not pay adequate regard to the institutional powers that exist within a wider society. What is attempted here is an identification of a model for causal change through a critical realism perspective. Identifying power discourses and social injustice, however, is only the start. As Willig (1998) points out, to abstain from following through the consequences of analysis is itself a politically motivated choice: inaction is a form of action, enlightenment brings with it responsibility (Burr 1998). If we continue to work within existing models of service user involvement, then the change that is wrought within mental health services will only ever be mediated by those in control of services, to comply with their agenda.


Tad Tietze (australsk psykiater): Demanding ‘more and better’ psychiatry: Potentially liberatory or worse than the disease? (fulltekst)


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