Heidi Westerlund og Dagfinn Bjørgen har laget et ressurshefte om samarbeidsforskning mellom forskere og folk med brukererfaring. http://t.co/KQ1Efvqz
Brukermedvirkning i sykepleieutdanning
"Mental health service user involvement in nurse education: exploring the issues" http://www.psy.dmu.ac.uk/brown/dmulib/forrest.pdf (fulltekst)
"This paper discusses findings and issues arising from a study that explored ways of involving mental health service users in a preregistration mental health nursing programme. Issues relating to user involvement in nurse education are discussed concurrently with selected research findings.
Service users' views of a 'good' mental health nurse are explored and inherent conflicts between user and professional views highlighted. The issue of the representativeness of research participants is debated in relation to user involvement in nurse education. Finally, the issues of involvement and tokenism are discussed and recommendations made about the way forward for user involvement in education."
OBS! Artikkelen er fra 2000.
"This paper discusses findings and issues arising from a study that explored ways of involving mental health service users in a preregistration mental health nursing programme. Issues relating to user involvement in nurse education are discussed concurrently with selected research findings.
Service users' views of a 'good' mental health nurse are explored and inherent conflicts between user and professional views highlighted. The issue of the representativeness of research participants is debated in relation to user involvement in nurse education. Finally, the issues of involvement and tokenism are discussed and recommendations made about the way forward for user involvement in education."
OBS! Artikkelen er fra 2000.
Boklansering: Den nye tilbakereisen
I 1991 utkom boken "Tilbakereisen" av psykolog Eva Axelsen og hennes tidligere klient "Sissel Bakke", basert på klientens dagboknotater og Axelsens journalnotater gjennom terapien. Tjue år senere møtes terapeut og klient igjen, og skriver nye kapitler - om hvordan det har gått med klienten, og om Axelsens teoretiske ståsted og terapisyn.
Tirsdag 12. april kl. 18
lanseres "Den nye tilbakereisen" på Litteraturhuset. Her blir det innledning ved psykolog Ole André Solbakken; skuespiller Sigrid Huun leser fra boken, og Eva Axelsen intervjues av psykolog Fanny Duckert. Det er gratis inngang.
For mer om Axelsens terapiforståelse, se boken "Symptomet som ressurs".