
Kommunikasjon og brukermedvirkning

Attuned understanding and psychotic suffering: A qualitative study of health-care professionals' experiences in communicating and interacting with patients. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. Av Geir Fagerjord Lorem og Marit Helene Hem

In conditions associated with a lack of insight, the person's opinions, perspectives, and emotional expressions are often considered to be problematic in relation to the clinical picture. At other times, these factors are interpreted to be expressions of feelings and conflicting needs. This study reveals the existence of a more nuanced picture, in which a group of health-care professionals makes the effort to go beyond a symptomatic interpretation of a person's affect by attempting to establish an understanding relationship that considers his/her experiences and perceptions of his/her own situation. This is a fragile process that tests the limits of what we can understand.


Patient participation in mental healthcare: When is it difficult? A qualitative study of users and providers in a mental health hospital in Norway. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. Av Marit Solbjør, Marit By Rise, Heidi Westerlund og Aslak Steinsbekk

Having patient participation at all phases of illness demands sensitivity from staff to avoid using patient participation as a means towards their own treatment goals. Although mental health services have been reformed during recent decades, it is necessary to have further discussions on rationality and normality – in mental health practice, among policy makers and throughout the education of health professionals.


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NFPHs Årsmøte 2018

I etterkant av årets skuddårsseminar, inviterer Norsk forening for psykisk helsearbeid til årsmøte. Møtet holdes altså tirsdag 27. februar k...





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